The Bhutan Trust Fund (BTF) formalized Grant Funding Agreements with the Ministry of Finance, and eight Project Partners for Large Grant Projects amounting to Nu. 79.219 million for the period 2023-2024 on 8th March 2024, in Thimphu. The Independent Technical Advisory Panel, comprised of expert members from various agencies, conducted rigorous screening process to shortlist the 8 projects from 86 proposals initially submitted to the Panel. The shortlisted projects are then presented and approved by the BTF Board of Trustee. Aligned with the core mandates of the BTF and the 13th FYP priorities of the RGOB, these projects are in the domains of Preserving biodiversity, Enabling human-wildlife co-existence, Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change and Addressing adverse impacts of development on the environment. The projects, approved under the annual funding window for the period 2023-24, reiterates BTF’s commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable development. The Grant Agreements are formalized for the following eight projects which are now ready implementation:
- Optimizing Agriculture through Solar Lift Irrigation at Community of Bali Chiwog, Punakha by Bali Chiwog, Chubu, Punakha Dzongkhag
- Climate resilient water management for sustainable agriculture at Changsima village, Hungrel Gewog, Paro by Changsima Chiwog, Hungrel Gewog, Paro
- Integrating conservation and community livelihood through holistic management of Biological Corridor 9 by the Trashigang Divisional Forest Office (Yallang Gewog, Trashigang and Toetsho & Khamdang Gewogs, Trashi Yangtse).
- Participatory on-farm conservation and sustainable use of native horticulture crop diversity by the National Biodiversity Centre Bhutan (Bjoka Gewog, Zhemgang, Lumang and Kangpar Gewogs, Trashigang, Langthel, Trongsa, Mendrelgang Gewog, Tsirang, Bongo and Logchina Gewog, Chukha).
- SHE-Cycle Solutions: Women-Led Initiatives for Sustainable Waste Management by the Green Bhutan Waste Management and Women Recyclers (Chukha, Samtse and Sarpang Dzongkhags)
- Establishment of Bio-Waste to Biogas and Bio-Fertilizer Conversion Plant by the Bhutan Ecological Society (Thimphu Thromde)
- Bhutan Climate Chronicles by the Thimphu Comics Studio (All educational institutions)
- Establishment of permanent biodiversity monitoring plot for education and conservation studies at Khaling-Kharungla, Trashigang by Sherubtse College, RUB (College students)
The Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation is privileged to partner and support the priorities of the Royal Government to bring positive social and environmental impacts through these strategic initiatives. As the first environmental Trust Fund in the world and a nationally-owned funding agency, the BTF shall continue to annually support such initiatives in the Country.