

Welcome to Thimphu Dzongkhag

Programs and Projects

Sl# Grant ID Grant Title Implementing Agency Project Location Nu USD Approval Fiscal Year Approval Date Closing Date Implementing Dzongkhag Grant Type


Bhutan Solar Initiative Project (BSIP)

Bhutan Solar Initiative Project (BSIP) aims towards achieving a sustainable energy supply for Bhutan through alternative renewable energy source........

Stakeholders' Consultation Workshop on Development of BTF Roadmap

The Stakeholders' Consultation Workshop on Development of the BTF Roadmap with our partner agencies and stakeholders from the government, with the experts from the ICIMOD was held on March 27, 2024 i........

BTF celebrates World Environment Day 2024

Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen is the Royal Patron for Environment in Bhutan. Coinciding with Her Majesty's Birth Anniversary today, and to celebrate the World Environment Day t........

Annual Stakeholder Consultation Meeting 2024

Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation (BTF) is in the process of exploring and identifying priority areas for its call for project proposals and funding for the ........

The Revitalization of the Thimphu Ecological Park

Celebrating the World Environment Day on 2024, the launch of the revitalization of the Thimphu Ecological Park was graced by Her Majesty Gyalyum........

His Majesty visits the DSP Solar Initiative project site

His Majesty The King visited the DSP Solar Initiative project site in Dechencholing on June 14, 2024.The DSP Solar Initiative (DSP-SI), in its first phase, successfully com........